Saturday, November 10, 2007

Your Day Breaks, Your Mind Aches

I think I am going to spend tomorrow reading. All day. It's going to be nice, I imagine. Haven't had chance to do that for ages.

And I think I might do some of this at Coffee Matters. Because I want one of those Aztec Hot chocolates. Mmhmm.

Ps The Tom Petty show? No words.

well, a few, but I'm too lazy to form them into a good, strong sentence.

Even to lazy to capitalize that 'w'.

I was informed today that people from 'around the bay'-something that I still don't really know what means but don't want to ask and have people make fun-are shorter than most? I was speaking of my experience in the mall yesterday, midnight madness (which was insane, by the by), and how I was walking through a group of people that I towered over. My room mate replied they must have been from around the bay. And I...nodded and said 'okay' because what does one say to that?

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