Monday, November 5, 2007

Tell Me Who Of Them Will Come To Be, How Many Of Them Are You And Me

I'm listening to 'Past Time Paradise' by Stevie Wonder waaay too much.

So, five days into NANO and I'm wicked behind. But, I am determined to write not only because I am shaming my good name by not keeping up, but because Angus told me to, and as a return favour for the ride home, I shall. Yeah, it's a lame pay back. Oh well. My bad?

Speaking of my bad, walking into my house tonight, I fell over my boots, then my high tops then caught myself on my shoelace to end up tumbling into the wall. I am the living end, huh? Oh well.

November 10, Cool Hand Luke is playing on the AMC network. I'm all excited. I've never seen it and I'm trying to get the classics in while I can. And next Tuesday, a double Jimmy Stewart feature, Vertigo and Rear Window, omg. I mean, really. How delightful! I cannot help but watch those movies though I have seen Rear Window way too many times, and Vertigo close to that. I would be set if Harvey was also on. That right there is my favourite Jimmy. Well, no, wait, Philidelphia story, when him and Cary are in the change room? Yep.

Um, yeah. I'm a bit of a movie whore. Oooh well.

I'm kinda digging The Weepies at the moment. And Hot Hot Heat. I miss those fellows.

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