Sunday, September 2, 2007

Combat Baby

Said it all before...

I laughed with a man on the bus today.

Why do people look at you with 'that look' when you smile at them? Is it not a natural thing to do anymore? Was it ever? I'm not sure.

I've not been back three days and my apathy has returned. It's like nothing changes, but yet I know it has. I know I'm fucking miles from home, I know that school starts in a few days, hell, I know I just bought House season three on DVD, but yet I I could sit around all day and just exist like that. Not go out. Just sit around my room. Stare blankly sometimes, actually do stuff at others, like watch those dvds, write, whatever. I feel like I'm going through motions that, if I make a wrong step during them, I get antsy. Fuck it.

So emo, that paragraph, what.

Want to hear something weird? I've only been back in town a few days and I've seen my ex twice (once with James, once while driving by on a bus), a fellow I was in history class with, a guy from my english class and two people from my first semester latin class. Wtf?

Aaaanyway. Enough of this. I have House to watch, books to read and sleep to be having. Moooore later. Watch for it.

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